All About Kadikoy And Why To Invest In The Area

Located on Istanbul’s Anatolian side, Kadikoy is located by the Marmara Sea. The region, which is moderate in population, has advanced infrastructure facilities. Investing in Kadikoy real estate allows you to earn high incomes in one of Istanbul’s most colorful and dynamic regions. Its neighbors include developed regions such as Uskudar, Atasehir and Maltepe.

The region, where transport and education opportunities are developed, also offers different cultural options. It is among the fastest migratory and developing areas in Istanbul due to the many opportunities it offers.

What you need to know about Kadikoy

There are also historical regions such as fashion and windmill within the borders of Kadikoy. The region, which has a long history dating back to 3000 .C, has established a transit point in different wars. 

Kadikoy, which has a population of about 480 thousand, is very developed in terms of economics. The most important activity in the region is trade and has important places such as Baghdad and Bahariye streets and Kadikoy Bazaar. There are many points of world brands there. Owning real estate here helps you stay at the center of life without finding the intensity of Istanbul. Investing in kadikoy real estate offers a quality life opportunity in a rapidly developing region.

Quality of life

Kadikoy has a moderate cost of living compared to Istanbul. The sports activities are very developed, and the largest sports club here is Fenerbahce.  In addition, there are more than 100 sports associations in different sports.

There are different parks such as Goztepe, Sahil, Kalamis and Mazharbey. Therefore, it helps you spend time with your loved ones in a natural environment. Ankara asphalt and D-100 road are available in the city, which has a very fast transport opportunity.

There are also sea and tram services in the region, which has historical values such as Haydarpasa Station. Living here helps you easily get to every point of Istanbul.

Why should Kadikoy be preferred?

Kadikoy offers great opportunities with its historical and natural beauties and trade-based economy. Investing in Kadikoy real estate allows you to benefit from all this. The region continues to move rapidly and the value of its investment increases day by day. Increase your quality of life with your sociocultural activities and sports options.

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