The Heart of Central Anatolia: Cappadocia

There are many places to visit in Cappadocia, which is one of the most important cities in terms of history and tourism. Many places from museums, underground cities, rock houses, caves, mosques, churches and inns await you.

You can go to Hacı Bektaşi Veli Tomb in Nevsehir. There is also a museum near the tomb, which is an important building for Alevis and Sunnis. You can go to Nevsehir Museum.

You can spend time in the districts of Nevsehir such as Ürgüp, Goreme and Avanos. When you come to Ürgüp, you should first take a good stroll through the streets of Ürgüp and get lost in the mysterious atmosphere of the region. Afterwards, you can go to Temenni Hill and watch the whole Ürgüp from high. You can go to the Ürgüp Museum. Hallaç Monastery and St. You can go to Teodore Church. You can see rock tombs, houses carved into rocks and stones.

When you come to Goreme, another magical world awaits you. You can visit Goreme Open Air Museum in the district, which is accepted as a World Heritage by UNESCO. In the settlement consisting of houses carved into the rocks, you can see many rock churches, chapels, and houses from the past to the present. At the same time, these lands are considered as the first place of monastic education. You can visit Tokatlı Church, which is the largest rock church in the region and consists of four different places. Elmalı Church, Çavuşin Church, St. You can visit the Basil Chapel. When you come to Avanos, you can first visit the pottery shops and the bazaar. You can visit the streets of Avanos. You can visit Pasabağ Priests Valley on the Avanos-Goreme road. You can go to Derinkuyu Underground City. In this 8-storey underground city, departments such as the confessional section and the missionary school are still standing. You can visit Kaymaklı Underground City located in Kaymaklı Town. You can go to Ihlara Valley. Ihlara Valley, one of the most beautiful natural formations of the region, has attained its present appearance after centuries of change. There are many churches in the valley, but a few of them are suitable for sightseeing. You can also visit Belisırma Village located in the middle of Ihlara Valley. You can go to Zelve Ruins, which is a combination of three valleys. You can go to Mustafapaşa, where old Greek houses showcase their magnificent stonework. You can see Nevsehir Castle, Ortahisar and Uchisar Castles. You can visit Kozaklı Thermal Springs. Apart from these, there are many other mosques, churches, chapels, and monasteries in Nevsehir. You can visit these places. You can visit Nevsehir bazaar and streets. You can visit the Hittite Rock Inscriptions in Acıgöl.

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